Why is the MBTI test one of the better personality tests on the internet?

What is a Myers Briggs Test?

The Myers Briggs Test (MBTI) is a personality test designed to help individuals understand their strengths, weaknesses and personalities. The MBTI is based on the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung and is one of the most widely used psychological assessments in the world. It’s a self-study that measures how individuals think, feel, and behave in certain situations. The test results are broken down into categories, such as extraversion/introversion, sensing/perceiving and thinking/feeling. These categories measure different aspects of personality and provide insight into how an individual operates and makes decisions.

Benefits of the Myers Briggs Test

The Myers Briggs Test can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding oneself better. Taking the MBTI can open up a door of opportunity to understand one’s character in order to effectively maximize potential. Below are just a few of the main benefits of taking the Myers Briggs Test.

Increasing Self-Awareness

By taking the Myers Briggs Test, individuals learn about their own personalities and patterns of behavior. Knowing more about yourself can help you gain a better understanding of why you act, think and feel a certain way when faced with different situations. It can also provide insight into why you may succeed in certain areas while struggling in others.

In addition, knowing more about yourself and how you interact with others can help you better understand why you and certain other people may have different perceptions, opinions and beliefs. Using this knowledge, you can then create better communication strategies with those around you, improving relationships.

Career Development

The Myers Briggs Test is often used in career development because it can give insight into which types of jobs may best suit an individual’s preferences and skills. It can also highlight one’s most important strengths and weaknesses, so that one can focus on what will bring them the most success in the long run.

Having knowledge about yourself and your career strengths can also help you make important decisions about whether or not a certain job is right for you. By knowing more about your skills, preferences and personality types, you can better determine if a potential job or career path will be satisfying and rewarding or not.

Increase Confidence

Often, people have difficulty seeing the strengths and weaknesses in their character. Taking the MBTI can help individuals understand themselves better, gain a clearer idea of the qualities that make them unique, and foster a more confident attitude. (Source: Me-scan.nl)

The MBTI can also be helpful for those who tend to be self-critical and have difficulty seeing their own potential. It can help to boost self-esteem by clarifying areas of low or high potential, and to identify where one’s true competencies lie. Ultimately, this can help lead to greater success and contentment.

Helps Manage Stress

The MBTI can also assist in better understanding how individuals react under different levels of stress. Knowing more about your own preferences, sensitivities and tendencies can help in dealing with stressful situations more effectively.

By recognizing one’s vulnerabilities, it allows individuals to be more in control of their emotions and handle stress more constructively. This can help them to better balance their work and personal life, as well as recognize areas where they need to improve.


The Myers-Briggs Test is an incredibly useful tool for understanding oneself better and improving personal and professional life. Taking the MBTI can provide invaluable insight into one’s character traits and motivations, and help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses.

By recognizing how you interact with others and yourself, it opens up a door of opportunity to make beneficial changes, increase self-awareness and boost confidence. Ultimately, the MBTI can help individuals make necessary adjustments to lead a happier, more successful life.

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